Spring Recital 2008
Photo Gallery and Videos
Welcome students and parents.
I would like to thank all students for their dedication
and parents for their support.
The following videos are in reduced quality* Windows Media format.
talks about touch (5Mb, ~7min)
performance (38Mb, ~52min)
performs: 1) Nocturne in C sharp minor, no. 20
(op. posth.), F. Chopin
(6Mb, ~8min) 2) Etude in A minor, op. 25 no. 11,
F. Chopin
*Of technical note by webmaster:
Video: You will notice that the picture quality
is not that great. There are a couple of reasons for this 1> the original
files are too large to feasibly put on this
web site 2> only have limited software to use. The student performance
was compacted down from 462Mb to 38Mb for video only.
Audio: The video camera recorded audio at 12 bit
stereo, converted to 16 bit mono when transferred to computer
and when compacting video the audio
remained at 16 bit hence audio quality (limited by camera used and
software options) should be close to original quality.

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